wtorek, 3 kwietnia 2012

Lepkie nóżki

Lepsza i ładniejsza wersja post-itów. Nawet najmniej przyjemne zadania zanotowane na takiej karteczce-przypominajce wydadzą się łatwiejsze do zrealizowania. Bo im ładniej wokół nas, tym łatwiej i przyjemniej – jakkolwiek niepoprawnie politycznie to brzmi, taka jest prawda. Zanotujemy ją na gołębiu, żeby nie zapomnieć.


2 komentarze:

  1. Mashupaktivist.aktivist" does not appear to have a widely recognized definition in the English language, and it may be a specific term or name with a particular context not readily available. Further details or context would be necessary to provide a specific meaning or definition for this term.
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  2. "Sticky Feet" captivates with its gritty authenticity and raw emotional depth, delivering a poignant narrative that resonates long after the credits roll. Set against the backdrop of a working-class neighborhood, the film follows the journey of a young protagonist grappling with the complexities of adolescence and family dynamics. Through its compelling storytelling and nuanced performances, "Sticky Feet" explores themes of identity, resilience, and the search for belonging with profound honesty. Directorial finesse and a standout cast elevate this coming-of-age tale into a cinematic gem, offering viewers a poignant reflection of the human experience and the enduring power of hope amidst adversity.
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